The Road Ahead — Exeedme Roadmap 2022 | PART II

4 min readFeb 17, 2022


Hello again, gamers, supporters, holders, and Exeedme Family!

Yesterday, we started deep diving on our (long) Roadmap for 2022. But there’s so much going on and so much to do, we decided to separate the two halves of the year, so you also have time to digest and process 😎

Now, a new Quarter, a summer breeze in the air in Q3, can’t you just smell the new possibilities for you?

Introducing Stream2Earn

No? You actually can’t smell them? Well, let us give you a whiff! We are bringing you the possibility of Stream2Earn, yet another possibility of earning in the Exeedme Platform!

This consists in rewarding gamers that are willing to stream their competitions at Exeedme.

Think back to your school days, maybe you weren’t so good at physical education? Possibly more of a Class Clown? You might suck at gaming, but you could really entertain, so you can also earn by entertaining others. What you lack in reflexes, you may just make up for in charisma!

“Now Hold on”, you say. “Are you so sure I should just give you my gaming skills AND star quality?”. Fair question. But we should let you know, we are bringing something new into the table, Multi-asset prizes!

Maybe you’re getting bored of always earning in the same way? Well, fear not, we are Introducing new prizes: Have your pick!

New cryptocurrencies? We got you. NFTs? Sure, why not! Skins? Absolutely. Fiat. Yup, you earn it, we got it. Merchandise? Let us wrap that up for you.

Or, you might want to call a Bomb Squad Technician because we still want to offer you an explosive mix of a prize!

Esports Assistant

As the quarter gets hotter, so does our drive to face new challenges, and that’s why we’re introducing an Alpha Esports Assistant.

Now, we know that you might have noticed that Esports teams are becoming more and more professionalised… NBA who? FIFA what?

This demands us to step up our game, and we are here for it!

Considering this, we are working on an Esports Assistant for all Professional and wanna be professional teams… The “Alexa” or “Siri” of all Professional Esports Organisations, if you will. But with another name! Hey, we are open for suggestions!

Soldiers’ War Game

Do you think it’s possible that, in the meantime, the Soldiers already explored all the possibilities of the DAO? We do not want an Elite Army like them to get bored, so we are bringing them a Soldiers War Game — Alpha (for now!)

We’re releasing a hot-hot game narrative and game mechanics, carefull, grab an oven mitt, don’t burn your hands handling it!

Once that cools down, we are planning to deliver at your table the first version of the Massive Multiplayer Soldiers Online War Game.

What does this mean for the good old platoon? Well, thank you for asking. It means that Soldiers will unlock access to the Game, but it also means that the Soldiers can evolve in the Game, furthermore, with what this amazing society always stood for,Soldiers will not fight alone. Got your dogtags and badges ready?


You have been talking and we have been listening, and so we want to open up the possibilities that come with Launchpad Esports. How so? Well, let’s take a look.

Just like our Crowdfunding Tournament or Fantasy Leagues have shown there are many use cases for Blockchain in Esports, and we want to be on the front row of finding it all.

More of a peak behind the curtain? Hold on, you don’t want us to say everything right? Social Tokens? Fan Tokens? DAOs? Guess we’ll have to do some waiting together.

Please, don’t bite all your nails off! What is coming will be revealed during the year.

Should we throw a little cherry on this big cake? We should? Well, say no more. But because we love reinventing ourselves, instead of a cherry, it will be a pineapple. The pineapple on top of this cake we want to bring you is Revolution New Formats. We were not kidding about mixing it up.

We are going to expand the Revolution competition to more Games, and just to tie it in a big shiny bow, we will also spread the Revolution to new recurring formats like Leagues. How about that?

Now, here is where we will leave you our little Disclaimer. As with any agile and Web3 project, our roadmap is not set in stone. We will keep on hearing what you have to say.

Don’t get us wrong, this is already pretty packed, we just left some space in the Roadmap (some jiggle room, if you will) for new ideas, any products and features the community feels is needed to democratise Gaming and Esports.

See, we like having a plan, but we just cannot imagine ourselves settling down and not wanting to go just a little wild!

About Exeedme

Exeedme is a trusted and fair Play2Earn ecosystem that allows gamers at all skill levels, developers and gaming communities to monetize their skills and efforts with the power of innovations like DeFi and NFT’s. We are building a gamer-driven economy where gamers can monetise their skills and organisers can build and grow their communities.

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Exeedme is a blockchain-powered gaming platform allowing gamers at all skill-levels, developers and organisers to monetise their skills