Uniswap Liquidity Rewards Update — Spider DAO increases rewards for $XED token holders

3 min readMar 12, 2021

The Liquidity providers are one of the most relevant parts of any healthy and vibrant Blockchain Ecosystem. Since we recognise the importance of providing liquidity in Uniswap as a stepping stone to grow our network and community, we have decided to launch our Uniswap Liquidity program, with 50,000 $XED in monthly rewards during the first month of listing $XED token.

These rewards are paid in $XED to every liquidity provider that locks ETH and XED on Uniswap for at least 30 days, in addition to the normal 0.3% fee they automatically get from Uniswap trades on the trading pairs they provide liquidity to.

Back in January, we announced a strategic partnership with Spider DAO, the creator of a provable, open-source, decentralized VPN, as well as a multi-layer privacy solution where users are not only secured through the DAO, but their networks are secured with Spider dVPN and adblocking. All user data is encrypted through dVPN to ensure that all network traffic is secured when leaving or entering the network.

Today, we are taking this partnership one step further.

Spider DAO has been a pioneer on the Defi Space to launch the Liquidity as Utility (LAU) program, where it includes the benefit of access to SpiderVPN, a product that we believe to be highly connected to improve the gaming experience.

Exeedme is now working with Spider DAO to bring the advantage of the LAU program to our Liquidity Providers. As such, starting in March, all LP’s providing a total of $500 worth of liquidity (XED+ETH) will receive a free SpiderVPN for a fully-fledged optimal online gaming setup.

This enables all LPs to claim rewards as well as attractive APY that are already on offer .On one hand this will work as a bonus reward to the LPs that were already participating in the Uniswap Liquidity Program and on the other it opens the possibility for smaller LPs that don’t fulfil the eligibility criteria of having a min of 1ETH and 1 ETH equivalent of XEDs on Uniswap pool, to be part of the LAU program and get their hands on an exclusive SpiderVPN.

The fact that liquidity providers can get a real-life, tangible product highly connected to gaming in addition to a APY return in $XED is a real game changer.

Acting as a liquidity provider (LP) is an act whereby an individual benefits the entire community. We believe that the LAU model is a truly unique approach to token economics. By centering utility around LP tokens, we believe that token velocity issues are addressed by creating an incentive to lock tokens for the benefit of both the entire community while being rewarded by a combination of LP profits and service utility.

Keep an eye on our Telegram and Twitter as we will be soon announcing the launch of the LAU.




Exeedme is a blockchain-powered gaming platform allowing gamers at all skill-levels, developers and organisers to monetise their skills