$XED Staking is back and will grant access to the Crypto Bird NFT Collection
Eligibility Terms: You should stake at least 1500 $XED until 23.59 17th June for at least 90 days.
Launch time: Monday June 13th, 1.00PM GMT+1
Networks: The Staking is happening on Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain. This way we can minimise the fees that you will need to pay to access the staking while also reducing the need to bridge tokens in different networks. All easy and simple.
Stakers Benefits
1. Price and guaranteed mints
The minting price of the Crypto Bird is 0.4ETH for $XED stakers. This comes at a great discount to the starting price of 0.5ETH available to Whitelisted users and a great time window to calmly mint their Crypto Birds with no rush.
Exclusive Minting Timing: The first 4 hours after the opening of the mint. The exact timing will be revealed this week
Limit Per-wallet: 5 NFTs for each 1500 $XED
2. Royalties Primary Sales
The stakers will receive 2,5% of the proceeds from the primary sales of the first batch of Crypto Birds. These amounts will be proportionally distributed through all stakers after they un-stake the $XED.
3. Royalties Secondary Sales
The stakers will receive 10% of the royalties applied to the secondary sales of Crypto Birds in the first 90 days. These amounts will be proportionally distributed through all stakers after they un-stake the $XED.
There will be three available levels of Staking:
- Level 1–1500 $XED — 5 Guaranteed Mints at @0.04 ETH
- Level 2–3000 $XED — 10 Guaranteed Mints at @0.04 ETH
- Level 3–4500 $XED — 15 Guaranteed Mints at @0.04 ETH
With these benefits stakers will not only have a guaranteed spot on the mint day, but also a lower price. Nonetheless they will also be able to start earning, through the collection royalties even without playing Crypto Birds.
Ladies and Gentlemen…
This is the moment you have been waiting for!
Upon many requests, the $XED staking is making a grandiose return to the Exeedme stage, more precisely on the XPAD stage!
When can we bestow ourselves, and not just bestow, but be a part of this amazing spectacle?
Well, it’s starting on June 13th, on a device near you, and if Whitelist is already a great deal, wait until you see what’s coming for Stakers.
But maybe, just maybe you’re wondering a little bit more about this little Ensemble we’re putting on?
Well, just this once, we will let you, our dearest audience take a peek behind the curtain, because after all, this is indeed all for you:
Remember the XPAD levels of staking?
Well, we will finally open the 3 Levels of Rookie Staking:
- Level 1: 1500 $XED
- Level 2: 3000 $XED
- Level 3: 4500 $XED
Naturally, the more you stake, the better conditions in the house you will get for this entire show.
But what are these conditions? Caramel and cheese popcorns? Well, not quite.
For our Stakers, there will be no lotteries or rush — you will have guaranteed early access to the Crypto Bird sale. No sweating with crowds in metaphorical lines.
And it’s not just quite that. Also, the higher your staking level, the more Crypto Birds per wallet proportionally you can have.
But, just like this wasn’t good enough, there’s a cherry on top of this cake: for $XED stakers the price will be below the announced initial price of 0.05 ETH.
How much?
Well, you will know everything on the June 13th;)